Why Japanese?

The Largest Unreached People Group (Joshua Project, 2005)

Only 0.04% Christians!

Annual Suicide Rate: >30,000

100-300 new religion registered each year (Operation World, 2000)

The battle is fierce, Time is SHORT! Please RESPONSE, Please PRAY!!!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

First United Methodist Church in Memphis was torned down in fire

CNN reported that on October 6, at Memphis, the First United Methodist Church, built in 1893, was largely destroyed by the flames, which were reported shortly before 3 a.m. Its roof caved in, the steeple toppled and some of the walls crumbled onto the streets.

Rev. Martha Wagley, pastor of the church, said members of her congregation gathered on the sidewalks as the structure burned, crying, recalling various worship services and telling stories of who was "married and buried" there. Wagley said her church is a "seven day a week" church with a food pantry and other ministries to people downtown.

I would never know why the church caught a fire? But I am sure God has a plan for the church, whether He intiated it or He had not initiated it. An idea of "seven day a week" church sounds GREAT! I pray that the congregation of the church, and the people down who had been ministered to, will come together in unity, to seek the Lord, and rebuild the church.

I believe that this would also be a time of furnace to the pastor and the leaders of the church, raising funds, cleaning, mentoring and sheperding would become so difficult. An internal cleansing would take place too. Why don't we just give one minute to pray for them? Pray that our good God will shield them with His grace and mercy. Pray for wisdom to deal with all the consequences and follow ups neccessity. May the unbelieved come to believe, through the good witness of this church!

I like this particular phhrase that Wagley said, "The building is lost, but not the church."

God is good, He is worthy to be praised! For it is often troubles that bring us closer to Christ. But, be in the obedience, and we shall taste His goodness double and triple fold. Amen.


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