Why Japanese?

The Largest Unreached People Group (Joshua Project, 2005)

Only 0.04% Christians!

Annual Suicide Rate: >30,000

100-300 new religion registered each year (Operation World, 2000)

The battle is fierce, Time is SHORT! Please RESPONSE, Please PRAY!!!

Saturday, May 31, 2008




在四川的时候听见一些关于“审判”和 “神愤怒”的信息。心里总觉得有点不对径儿。回想911的事件,Tsunami的事件,教会和回教堂都在散播着这些信息。有人说,因为四川太多偶像,人心太硬,抗拒福音,因此神震怒了。我不禁忧愁起来,比四川拜偶像更盛的地方比比皆是,神要算帐的话,那香港、马来西亚、中东早就毁了。而且不堪一击。日本也会被毁的。基本上,世界各地没有一个地方逃得过吧?我只知道,圣经告诉我两件事。第一件,末世的时候,灾害是明显的,震动天地的,那表明主来的日子近了。第二件,神的审判从神的家开始。






不止中国内地的自愿者。外国也来了。我的团队里,有香港的,有加拿大的,有美国的,有马来西亚的,走的时候,新加坡的接替了。日本早去了,还要再派人来。我日本的同工下个星期也去,Heart4Japan那些不能去的给我捎信说,“谢谢你代表我们去。” 我心里扎实,我是中国人,是马来西亚人,也是日本人啊!血统、命脉和国度给了我三重的身份。这个时候,该去的、能去的,不去还能说些什么呢?该去的,能去的,是义务,是奉命,没什么好骄傲或者自持的。

正如郑老师说主要做什么,他的目的是什么我们不知道。但是他心里安稳,不愿离开四川,因为神早就给他一句话,说 “我必震动天地” 这是哈该书。而我自己的领受是,

在这地方我必赐平安。这是万军之耶和华说的。” 哈该书2:7-9




Wednesday, May 28, 2008


My heart is in great pain as the record of suicide mixing stored-bought detergent and chemical had reached 145 just within last few months. At the same time, there were still others in Japan continue to use all means to die.  

Life seems to be not worth living.  

I couldn't stop thinking but to remember the survivors of Sichuan I met in the hospitals and sites. They almost lost everything, some houses, some family members, some paralyzed, some lost their legs, some lost their hands. In the hospital, people were thankful because they survived. Tired family members that were taking care of their loved ones, had lost all things in the earthquake, but thankful because one survived. The one who survived might had lost both parents or children. The grief of the bereaved, the trauma experience were beyond comprehension.  
Yet, everyone strived to live.  

Life seems to be worthwhile to live.

Monday, May 26, 2008

The Power of His Love

As I was back tracking the emails, I found this in my inbox. 

"I will be praying each and every day. I'll be interceding as well for your protection - that His cleansing blood and strength carry through every situation and circumstance. That your inner man and outer man be strengthened. That the love of Christ flow through you like living water. Your courageous commitment to Christ and the greatest cause for the Gospel will only open a way for God to display His power on your behalf." 

I was just so grateful for this prophetic words and kind encouragement! "...courageous commitment to serving our Lord ..." these are kind words that I do not deserve. But I guess this is why and how I was preserved in this trip, mentally and physically. It's your prayers! The Holy Spirit continued to minister to me each day while I was in Sichuan, strengthening my inner man and outer man, giving me courage and love and patience to endure. 

I also saw how He had flowed through me, and I am still amaze while I look back. It had been His grace and His work, not mine. I just felt that the trauma that I experienced in the past, the healing that I experienced after received Jesus in my life, the power of healing remained sipped through by touch, influenced the one in grief silently and quickly. I thought I would be depressed after this whole experience, yet the work of the Holy Spirit was refreshing. While the bereaved felt the love of Christ, I experienced the power of love. 

After finding out my past, SY said, "let this experience be the reminder in your life, that will remind you about the needs and urgency of souls."

The grief I went through in the past had turned into strength in me, in turn it strengthened the one that I touched. I praise the Lord for His healing power. He is to be magnified!

On the right is the survival from BeiChuan. She was so traumatized when we first saw her in WenJiang Community Hospital. Yet, the Lord provided a miraculous time for hug and sharing her grief. As her hand grabbed my shoulder, I hugged her and her head leaned down on my shoulder. She weeped quietly, and I held her head in my hand and kept praying quietly. I just felt that the Lord was ministering to her. While we were leaving, she came out and say goodbye. As I saw her face shining, I just knew that the good Lord had lifted up her burdens just at that moment while we hugged and prayed. The work of the Lord was just so amazing, I was stunned and moved. 

 I write this to tell you that the Lord is greater than all! I had always thought spiritual relief or healing would be at a later phase, but the Holy Spirit had taught me otherwise. He comforted the grief! He is ABLE. 

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Deyang May 19, 2008

"I will lift up my eyes to the hills - from whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." - Psalm 121:1,2

Shane W. had this verse at the bottom of his letter. 

We were singing the same song the first night in Deyang, after we evacuated the patients from the hospital building to the outside. There was a prediction of after shock of about 6.5 degree and a heavy rain that night. Tents were not enough. Everyone was doing all their best, the doctors, nurses, patients, volunteers. Two police officers came and stood outside the hospital, I guess they were guarding us. It was around 2am in the morning, no moon and no stars, perhaps it was because the street light was just too strong, and just above our eyes. 

A Christian volunteer came to me and passed me a few brochures, she said, "this might be the last night for all of us. Save as many as you can."

I held the brochures in my hand, seeing her walking from bed to bed, telling the victims about heaven, I was amazed by her courage. While everyone was still in great shock and great pain, she came with a message. I didn't know what she said to the patients. I took the brochures with me, I walked to the street, where our bags were. Another volunteer came over and sat beside me, she was a seeker, and I passed it to her, I told her what another volunteer had told me, and I said to her perhaps it's a time for you to make the choice. 

As I lay on the street, waiting for the aftershock, (i felt it actually, but it was ok, we were anticipating for a more severe one, I guess) I kept thinking, 'if I'm to see the Lord the next minute, am I clean?' I could still imagine the picture of this Christian volunteer who was working hard now, yet having the experience of being in the situation of traumatized of loss, I doubt the way it works, and I certainly prefer a personal touch, a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on. A trust.

At around 4am, the after shock was over. And I fell half sleep, asleep? 

There was no rain, most of the team members didn't feel the after shock. God had been protecting us!

I am back in Hong Kong now.  Will write more later. 

Too tired for now...... Thank you for interceding!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Pray for His Workers!

When you send your workers, you need to pray for them!

For the rescue team to Myanmar and Sichuan Province, please pray for them, be their watchman!

Pray for:
1. Spiritually and Physically Fit.
2. Emotionally Stable.
3. Connecting to Jesus.
4. Protection and Covering of the blood of Jesus.
5. Trust and open communication in the team.
6. Smooth cooperation among team members.
7. Communication with the locals and international board.
8. Wisdom in decision making.
9. Resources.
10. Witnessing.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Let's work till THE END

I had called for intercession for the Unreached nations, Japan, in particular, for the specific stir that He had put in my heart. I was unsure about many things, and I'm still unsure. Yet, there is one thing that I know, it is the love and trust that I have in my Lord. And it is this love that drew me to love Japan, one in His heart. Love became so strong, that Japan became a part of me, just as I'm in Jesus. 

In response to all disasters that is striking the earth today, Myanmar, Sichuan, unpredictable movement of tropical cyclone, quakes, typhoon, flood, Tsunami...... causing speedy destruction, and we could only response one by one as they come. 

There are destructions by man, too, if not more, equal. Human factors that had caused self-destruction or destroying others, a huge population. In Japan, people needs to be alleviate from the state of depressed. It is the time to either feed them with Good News or they will be fed by all other spiritual forces. (It's time to act, you can do something!)

As in other places, humanitarian aids and cry for social justice is needed to alleviate the situation. 

This is the DAY that the nations are at our door step. Reaching out to the nation had been more practical and easier these days. Social justice and human rights of migrant workers had often been neglected in most countries. 

The land that breed me and groomed me needs Jesus too. If the Lord had called you to Malaysia, please come. When you come, get in touch with people on the field. Be aware of the news, the needs of foreign and local ministries. The same thing that we should do for any nation that we are going to, be alert, have all the latest developments on your fingertips, move with the time, and train you sensitiveness with the Holy Spirit, so that you know what to do, how to pray, where to move.

Jessica sent me a note earlier, saying that she felt "God's urgency". Yes, there are NEEDS all around us. 

Proverbs 30:15-16

 "The leech has two daughters. 
       'Give! Give!' they cry. 
       "There are three things that are never satisfied, 
       four that never say, 'Enough!':

  the grave,  the barren womb, 
       land, which is never satisfied with water, 
       and fire, which never says, 'Enough!'

How do we response then? Where should we go? 

Let's quiet ourselves, seek Him, and learn His direction in our lives. Let's not settle in our comfort zone, let's not be complacent about what we see. Rise up, at least in your community! Reach out! We need to be sensitive and proactive to lift them out of the trash and ashes! 

Move on earnestly, praising Him for the work that God had done and is doing. Move on fast! For the time is near. 

I love you. Let's work and gather workers around us to work together to the Harvest! to the END TIME.

Useful links for ministries needs in Malaysia: Tenagalita (Human Rights for Migrant Workers), Malaysiakini (Politics)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

National Police Agency statistics that showed 47.8 percent of the 1,052 murder and attempted murder cases in 2007 involved people attacking family members. The ratio was 46.9 percent in 2006 and 39.1 percent in 1997. (family-murder-suicide)

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Continue Intercede!

Thank you for your earnest prayers for Japan in past few weeks! The internet suicide influence had slow down for almost ten days now. There were still suicide news, yet we are hoping that this will come to an end SOON! 

Please continue to press in in interceding! There are prayer points that I would like you to consider.

The Internet providers had not really seriously decided to delete the harmful contents in the website. Check this out. Although it seems that the news release was quite assuring that they are going to delete the harmful contents, yet until April 25, nothing had been done. (Please refer to the earlier news release that I sent).  

About what to delete, and what not, there is another thing that I wish to gain your attention with: "However, recently sites such as secret school sites in which junior high and high school students post slanderous comments about other people have appeared, and providers have had a hard time deciding whether or not the information is harmful and whether they should delete it."  

The slanderous comments about other people had been another form of destructive school bullying - Ijime. It had suspected to lead to suicide and social isolation of a number of students. However there is no official reports from school or police. However this had caused serious attention of the media since 2 years back.

Suicide as a result of Ijime had always under covered. Yesterday a 12 years old boy jumped down from his Tokyo apartment. Was he one of the victim? we don't know. 

Remember the areas without church! 
The church is reviving in some places in Japan. We praise God for that! We still have a lot to do! There are many in Japan who live in a circle without any church or any Christians in their community. Let's pray for workers, not only in the campus, but elemental and secondary schools. Let's pray for revival not only in the cities, but the rural areas like Nagano, Akita, Aomori, Iwate, Wakayama, Ishikawa etc. Some works had been started in some of these place, still there is a lot to be done!
Please, remember the Japanese in your prayers!  
Prayer points: 
1. The chance of life. 
2. Empty hearts to be filled. 
3. Opportunity to learn and experience Jesus. 
4. The responsibility of the net providers.
5. Shut down of secret school sites. 
6. Shut down of internet suicide sites. 
7. Pray against Ijime, the school bullying.