It reminded me a scene that I witnessed 2 years ago, when Banner of Love birthed forth with a new vision to reach out to the locals. Indeed, it was a step of faith. For both churches to go on in Him to pursue the unique visions that God had set in their path, dreams that God had put forward in their missions! Touching!
While the worship began, I found myself fully recharged, and I began to lift up my voice and sang. I began to pray, and seek forgiveness for Turkey, for Arab, for I was deeply troubled by the news in Smyrna. A deep sorrow to the wickedness that bound the land in the debt of innocent blood. The darkness resisted the light. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it. In the midst of worship, I received a vision. I was clothed in a black cloak, as I was clothed in darkness, and my back bent. In worship, the light just showered me, and my cloak was removed, and I began to shine in the light, my hands lifted up, my head lifted up, my back lifted up. In the power of the Holy Ghost, I found myself prayed according to His will, tearing down the walls that the evil had built, and bringing down His glory into this land. The church, Hong Kong. I saw the Victoria Harbour, the image was just as the post card, but turned really big.
Powerful, prophetic, God is in this place!
It was a joy to be with these people! Because there is a willing heart, and readiness to move!
Heart of serving!
But it was JOY because I knew I can come to my Lord with my dirty baggages, and He will take it away from me. For He will clothe me with robes, and crown me with crown! I just want to stretch my arms out to Him, calling Him, "Abba, Father!".
Thank you, Lord! For all Your Mighty! Lord has mercy!
His rich presence... Powerful! Have Your way Lord! God bless you.
That is so cool that God has been giving you these visions of light! What a wonderful blessing. I pray for a increase for you, that you would continue to have heavenly experiences and that God would give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation to guide you with what to do with what you see.
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