Why Japanese?

The Largest Unreached People Group (Joshua Project, 2005)

Only 0.04% Christians!

Annual Suicide Rate: >30,000

100-300 new religion registered each year (Operation World, 2000)

The battle is fierce, Time is SHORT! Please RESPONSE, Please PRAY!!!

Saturday, April 09, 2011

日本赤十字 ー ボランテアとこころのケア

I would like to bring your attention to some good materials that the Japanese had developed for the "kokoro no care" (practical emotional +  physical care) in disaster areas.

The first that I would like to introduce is the little booklet that Japan Red Cross had developed, is in Japanese, but it is simple to understand, you just need to get some friends to help you on that.

日本赤十字 ー ボランテアとこころのケア 』ダウンロ-ドでき

Below is an example of what the booklet look like. 

Volunteer and Kokoro no Care : Anyone can do it for the disaster care

4 Main Points for Volunteers 
Sit beside the person so that the person is not left alone
Listen tentatively and engage.
Acknowledge their feelings.
Listen to their stories even if the topic of conversation seems not of emotional care concern.

5. Caution
Do look after your own health and keep safe
Do consider the different ways in approaching the children and elderly people, for there would be different problems i.e. physical, emotional, financial, etc. according to their age and situations. 

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