Why Japanese?

The Largest Unreached People Group (Joshua Project, 2005)

Only 0.04% Christians!

Annual Suicide Rate: >30,000

100-300 new religion registered each year (Operation World, 2000)

The battle is fierce, Time is SHORT! Please RESPONSE, Please PRAY!!!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

What is Urgent?

Japan needs Jesus. And Japan needs experts in web-base technologies, social science people, medical people, teachers, businessmen, artists who are Christians, to be there in their societies. I always believe that the Kingdom is about "life impacting life". 

The story that Shane picked up at CNN news report on April 24, last Thursday, had been a disturbing one.

A 14 years old girl killed herself by mixing detergent and cleanser. And it seems to be another one encouraged by internet sites. It is not that we were not aware of the high number of suicides in Japan, but it is the extend of the internet suicide influence had gone far worse these days. The international art-festival celebration had highlighted and celebrated the production of people like Ryo Nakajima and Shunji Iwai, where some of their productions had been hard to swallow. "This World of Ours" and "The Story of Lily Chow" will perhaps lead you to a fantasy of hidden dreams and sadness of hidden reality in this society.

Please, seriously think this over. If you have the talent, if you have the skill, if you like to be a tentmaker, please consider Japan. If you are thinking of supporting the mission field, please consider Japan. Japan had always been left out from the 10/40 windows for reasons, either intentional or unintentional. Many had been set back because of the high cost, and low response rate. Perhaps, it could be the feeling of the "proud and ego" needs no healing. Perhaps it could be "hatred". Perhaps, it was BLINDNESS.

If you think there are more "urgent place" than Japan, I'm not sure about this. I had never see the Kingdom is "urgent" at one place, and "no urgent" in another place. 

But I do agree that there are many urgent needs of healthcare aids and human rights aids. And we feel good, because we fulfilled a good Samaritan duty. People feel good when they have something to give! Honestly, we might not be be proud or sensing urgent to tell people about Jesus, but we are good in giving money to the poor and needy. 

I just wish to make these facts clear to you: 

Japan has 128 million people, and you probably have more than 30% of them are above 50s. We have around 100 people suicide in a day. The common suicide group was the middle age group, but now we observe school children. Violence and crimes, homicides by children or teenagers. The economic setback had not turned well. A report of 1 million of missing youths. People are dying because of aging, or suicide, or living in grief because of lost of someone. We are losing this group of people! 

If you need to feel good in missions, you can give Japan something too. Give them your love, your thoughts, your prayers! Give them friendship, tell them about Jesus, tell them how to live! Give money to the one who is going to Japan to be a missionary. Don't just hang on to your tithe, or established mission organizations. There are many places where people are dying, and there is not a single church or a single presence of mission organizations!

Pray, and ask God to lead you to this person!
Pray, and ask God to show you this place, and the needs of this people!

Do not brush off Japan from your mind, because it appeared to be "rich", and not as "urgent"as other lands! I don't think this is what the Lord has in His mind. 

Be sure, be encouraged! The Lord had called a team! You are not the only one, if you had been yearning for the Salvation in Japan for long. Take courage! 

Spiritual poverty is no better than physical poverty. I know every place is sick, but be clear about this: JAPAN  is sick,  too. 

Bless you!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Daybreak from Taiwan CCC had translated the article to Chinese:



一名14歲的少女在家中以清潔劑混合所產生的毒氣自殺。這名少女也是被網際網路上的自殺言論所影響的一員。我們並不是沒有注意到日本的高自殺率,而是這些日子以來網路對自殺的影響已經比我們想像的更糟了。中島良與岩井俊二等人的作品頻頻引起國際電影節的注意。這些作品當中有寫實的,也有天馬行空的,但是也有一些特別讓人難以接受的;"The World of Ours" i 以及"All About Lily Chou-Chou" ii 這兩部電影或許能讓我們一窺日本社會中不為人知的夢想以及現實中隱藏的悲哀。












Heart4Japan Ministry

i The World of Ours臺灣區尚未播映
ii 臺灣區中譯「青春電幻物語」
iii 參使徒行傳18:3
iv 參路加福音10:25~37