Why Japanese?

The Largest Unreached People Group (Joshua Project, 2005)

Only 0.04% Christians!

Annual Suicide Rate: >30,000

100-300 new religion registered each year (Operation World, 2000)

The battle is fierce, Time is SHORT! Please RESPONSE, Please PRAY!!!

Monday, May 30, 2011

A message from the KBF Volunteer Committee KBFボランティア委員会

KBF東北救援隊は、名前のとおり、東久留米にある久留米バイブルフェローシップの働きとしておこなわれています。けれども、活動には、KBFのメンバー の方も、そうでない方も、クリスチャンの方も、そうではない方も参加することができます。私たちの活動は、イエスキリストへの愛に基づくものですが、救援 隊の活動は、「宗教」活動ではありません。私たちは、お手伝いさせていただく東北の方々にも、救援隊の活動に参加してくださる方々にも、聖書を読んだり、 祈ったりすることを求めたりはしません。祈りたい方は自由に祈ることができますし、そうではない方は、祈らなくてもかまいません。助けを必要としている東 北の方々を手伝いたいという心からの思いをもち、さまざまな新しい友人と出会いたいという願っていること。救援活動への参加資格は、それだけです。

An Important Message
The KBF Tohoku Disaster Volunteers Corps, as the name implies, is part of the work of Kurume Bible Fellowship, in Higashi Kurume.  However we welcome anyone who wants to participate, Christian and non-Christian, KBF member and non-KBF member.  We are not ashamed to say that this work is driven by our love for Jesus Christ, but neither do we consider our activity a "religious" activity.  We will not be asking those we help or those who participate to read Bibles, or to pray.  Those who want to pray will be free pray, those who do not will be free not to.  All we ask for is a sincere desire to help those in need in the Tohoku area and a desire to make new friends with all kinds of new people - that is the only qualification!!! Needless to say please feel to forward this email to any of your friends who may be interested.  

Message from KBF Volunteer Team



A big thank you to all those who participated in the KBF Tohoku Volunteers activities on 27/28 May.  We had seven participants. If possible, can those who partipated please write a report of what they did and saw from their own perspective. I think such reports will be useful references for those that are thinking of participating, and an encouragement to those that continue to support this work in many ways. We will upload both the reports and the photos I took onto to the team`s Facebook page. And if you have any comments on what we could have done better, please let me or the leadership know in a seperate email


Doodleを投資てオンラインで参加登録をおすすめしています。メールアドレス (連絡のため)と運転免許お持ちかと他の参考になると思う情報をコメント部分にのこしてください。参加の興味のある友人や家族にもこのメールを転送してください。その人が参加を希望する場合、彼ら自分でかあなたがその人のためにオンライン登録をすることも可能です。どちらの場合でも、その人の名前とメールアドレスをわすれずに!!


We continue to encourage people to sign-up through doodle. Please leave your email address and whether you can drive in the comments section. In addition include any other information that you think would be useful for us. Please feel free to foward this email to friends and family who might be interested in signing-up. They can sign up themselves or you can sign up for them. In the latter case dont forget to include their name and address!!




Please let us know if you have any questions.  Again thanks for agreeing to be part of this work of compassion.  Our sincere hope is that in addition to helping the people who have experienced disaster on a epic scale, you will find yourself enriched by the experience of weeping with those that weep, standing together with those that seek to rebuild their lives again, and being your brother`s keeper and helper. Compare to the needs, what we are doing is not much. However our hope is that we can lessen, even a little bit, the pain of the victims on this disaster

We continue to actively seek ideas from every on how we can expand our activities to meet the needs of the victims of the victims of the disaster.

God bless

Lawrence Mutenda (on behalf of the KBF Volunteer Committee,KBFボランティア委員会を代表して)

Biju Paul  (paulbiju@gmail.com, 090 9398 7049)
Lawrence Mutenda (lawrence.mutenda@gmail.com, 080 5647 4848) 
Eric Fandrich - (eric@fandrich.net - 090-4002-6525)
Jun Tanaka - (jt51h20@hotmail.com, 090-9395-8283)
Steve Iijima (our sage! Whats Sage in Japanese?)

1 comment:

jjyearbook2010 said...

just so you know, a land without christianity isn't necessarily a land full of "cold and darkness." I know plenty of happy people who aren't christians, myself included. There's a reason why only 0.04% are christian, and it's because religion is a choice. They choose not to be christian, get over it.