Why Japanese?

The Largest Unreached People Group (Joshua Project, 2005)

Only 0.04% Christians!

Annual Suicide Rate: >30,000

100-300 new religion registered each year (Operation World, 2000)

The battle is fierce, Time is SHORT! Please RESPONSE, Please PRAY!!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Four Seasons Song四季の歌

We had talked about the possibility of viewing Matsuri (Japanese festival) as a possible cultural redemptive tool in last article, now it is time to take a look at the songs that Japanese people grow up with.

I came to notice this song as I watched this Japanese TV series "Aikurushi"「愛くるし」.
The title of the song is : "The Four Seasons Song" 「四季の歌」. The lyrics are as follow.

ha-ru-wo-ai-su-ru-hi-to-(wa), ko-ko-ro-ki-yo-ki-hi-to
su-mi-re-no-ha-na-no-yo-u-na, bo-ku-no-to-mo-da-chi
One who loves spring, is a person pure in heart
Just like the blooming violet, is my dear friend

na-tsu-wo-ai-su-ru-hi-to-(wa), ko-ko-ro-tsu-yo-ki-hi-to
i-wa-wo-ku-da-ku-na-mo-no-yo-u-na, bo-ku-no-chi-chi-o-ya
One who loves summer, is a person strong in heart
Just like the strong wave that breaks the ocean rocks, is my dear father

a-ki-wo-ai-su-ru-hi-to-(wa), ko-ko-ro-fu-ka-ki-hi-to
ai-wo-ka-ta-ru-ha-i-ne-no-yo-u-na, bo-ku-no-ko-i-bi-to
One who loves autumn, is a person deep in mind
Just like the poet Heine who sings the love hymns, is my dear lover

fu-yu-wo-ai-su-ru-hi-to-(wa), ko-ko-ro-hi-ro-ki-hi-to
ne-yu-ki-wo-to-ka-su-da-i-chi-no-yo-u-na, bo-ku-no-ha-ha-o-ya
One who loves winter, is a person big in heart
Just as the earth that thaw the lingering snow, is my dear mother.

I'm not sure how popular is this song in real life, but as I did a quick search with Japan google, it seems that it is very much like a common song that everyone learned when they were kids. I wonder how many Japanese today still sing this song? Do you have any idea?

Values are embedded in culture. Songs that we sang when we were kids, lessons that we took at early school phase, were to shape our values and perspectives. This is the same in every culture.

What do you see in this song? What are the values that struck you? Are these values similar to what was written in the bible? Why? How can we use this song as a bridging approach? Do think about this... and feel free to share! ^^ Merry Christmas!!!

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