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The Largest Unreached People Group (Joshua Project, 2005)

Only 0.04% Christians!

Annual Suicide Rate: >30,000

100-300 new religion registered each year (Operation World, 2000)

The battle is fierce, Time is SHORT! Please RESPONSE, Please PRAY!!!

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Mushi 無視

In the observation of Hattori Yuichi 服部雄一, some clients reported emotional abuse by their parents, particularly shunning or ignoring the child, which is called "mushi" 無視 in Japan. 

He further described the case of "mushi無視" probably being a mother refused to talk to a child from a few hours to several days or weeks. The mother will not tells the child the reason for her behavior and never responds if the child asks for an explanation. And this emotion neglect had left pain and wounds in these children, thus perhaps as the trauma experience hidden within a hikikomori patient. 

Yuichi defines Hikikomori as a disease, a post-trauma event.

Well, the findings does not support if a Hikikomori is a post-trauma event at all, but the association of "mushi無視" with "emotional trauma" experience.

"mushi無視" is definitely not a pleasant experience. I'm not sure if it only happens in Japan, but I guess Asian females share this commonality in "purposely neglecting one's request in silence".  Perhaps you can tell me more!

Re: Yuichi Hattori. Social Withdrawal in Japanese Youth: A Case Study of Thirty-Five Hikikomori Clients. 2005 Haworth Press.


M&M in Japan said...

I think this is spot on. According to my experience in Japan with "Hikkomori" sufferers, the problem seems to stem from one trying to share one's feelings or struggles and not being listened to but rather being rejected because of that "weakness". Sharing one's emotional weaknesses in Japan is just not acceptable for many people. It ties very closely to Buddhism and the philosophy that says that we die to our own emotions to reach a higher state (nirvana) where things cannot hurt us anymore. This is not Christianity. Jesus said, "Come to me all you who are burdened and heavy-laden and I will give you rest for your souls."

Anonymous said...

I don't know specifically one way or another if this is a primary cause of hikikomori, but I can definitely see how it could easily cause confusion in a child or lack of self-confidence in relating to other people. If a parent won't talk to them, why would they expect anyone else to? It's a form of ijime (bullying) and there's no excuse for it... Definitely a form of abuse. However, maybe some of these mothers have been treated the same way and don't know any different, so the schools and people doing pre-natal classes should teach them ahead of time that this is not acceptable behaviour in any way, shape or form and may well lead to the production of a mal-adaptive child.
I'm sure not all children who've endured this have become hikikomori and I'm sure it's not the only possible factor leading to it. However, it could be one of the factors for some of them.