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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Does 'showing care for the soul' really work as far as evangelism is concerned?

"showing care for the soul", is possibly the best to the core of evangelism. Try to remember the message of Christ, and the example of Christ...... However,there are two things that we need to be aware of.

1) Only "showing care for the soul" without giving testimony about Christ, or giving back the glory to Christ, may not attract people to Christ, but only to the charisma of a person. The goodness and kindness of the person would be seen as a personal trait rather than a God given heart to serve. Conclusion: the message must be clear.

2) If you possess an attitude that "showing care for the soul" as a bait for the people to become a Christian, then you will ultimately fail. "Showing care for the soul" is an act of Christ, a call for all Christians. It is not an act only towards people who love and support Christ, but people who are in need and desperation. If our "love and care" are only confined to people who are ready or potential Christian to be, then the love sets limit by itself by our "smart" brain in weighing which "good" soil to sow in, and which "bad" soil to avoid. But God's love is unconditional, and sets no limit. First, not only people at the receiving end would feel the difference, Second, we are not more than a stumble block for others to know Christ, Third, even if we get by when Christ work through these "good works" to attracts the multitude to him, we will slowly dry up, and see "good works"/"showing care for the soul" as a tool for evangelism rather than an act as a result of the Lordship that rule in our hearts.

A genuine care for the soul will win the multitude towards Jesus! Do not be downhearted if there are oppositions towards the kindness that you express, do not be frowned even if they turn away from you. Because Jesus had the same in the past. Eight turned away, but two came back to give thanks and praise to Jesus after the miracle. Many shouted, "crucify him!" while there were also disciples and the meek crying helplessly and praying desperately in Golgotha. In either of these choices or occasions, the truth of Jesus could not be denied. The leapers were healed, and the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom, the earth shook and th rocks split, the centurion kept guard over Jesus said, "truly this was the Son of God!" Power and miracles may win the multitude to worship Jesus, yet circumcision of heart results from a tender heart, gentle soul that cares witness the core of Jesus whom chose to be crucified on good Friday, whom cried out to the Father in heaven for those who mocked him and nailed him on the cross, "Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing." Jesus cares. The ultimate aim is to bring men before God. Yet, Jesus continues to cry out for everyone, even those who mock him and reject him. That makes the different!

(scriptures taken from NASB)

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