Why Japanese?

The Largest Unreached People Group (Joshua Project, 2005)

Only 0.04% Christians!

Annual Suicide Rate: >30,000

100-300 new religion registered each year (Operation World, 2000)

The battle is fierce, Time is SHORT! Please RESPONSE, Please PRAY!!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


平成22年9月23日(木曜・祝日)午後1時30分から4時30分まで、いきるを支える 鎌倉・逗子・葉山実行委員会などが主催する自殺対策シンポジウムが鎌倉芸術館小ホールにて開催されます。基調講演にはジャーナリストの柳田邦男氏をお招きし、お話をいただきます。 また、企画展として、9月28日(火曜日)から10月3日(日曜日)まで鎌倉生涯学習センター地下ギャラリーにて、精神障害者の絵の展覧会と石井麻木氏の写真展を行います。http://www.pref.kanagawa.jp/osirase/15/1590/pdf/symposium1.pdf

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Akita Suicide Prevention Symposium and Lectures

I am leaving to Akita for about two weeks from this Friday.
Akita is known as the prefecture that hasthe highest suicide rate in Japan for recent ten years. In my expository trip to Japan last year, I did some travel to Tohoku, preliminary Akita and Aomori, to "investigate" or try to understand the situation better by just walking around the city, feeling and sensing the atmosphere, and praying. God is so good that He led me to a dedicated team that had diligently spent more than ten years in working towards reducing the number of suicide in these areas. Excellent suicide prevention programs are going on in the city!

In the following two weeks, I have this opportunity to learn about suicide prevention and have fellowship with the local community by having this field trip to Akita. Although the church is small, yet I do pray that the Lord will give the local churches grace and strength to shine the light in suicide prevention in the community.

The Symposium/lectures below are all for the public who are interested with local suicide prevention:

September 18, 19 Akita Prefecture Suicide Prevention Symposium
September 24, Akita University Mental Health Lecture
September 25, Miyagi Prefecture Shibata-machi Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Lecture
September 29, Miyagi Prefecture Kurihara-shi Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Lecture

Spread the words around! Pray for the local communities in their alertness and aggressiveness in outreach to the lives and souls that are depressed! Finally, see you there!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Suicide Prevention Symposium ^ Akita




9月18-19日 秋田魁新報社主催のシンポジウム 「自殺予防」
9月24日 秋田県立大学でのメンタルヘルスの講演会
9月25日 宮城県柴田町での講演会
9月29日 宮城県栗原市での講演会

【18日】 午後1時30分から秋田ビューホテルで、本橋豊秋田大医学部長と、清水康之自殺対策支援センターライフリンク代表による基調対談。先進事例発表。
【19日】 午前9時30分から秋田県生涯学習センターで、4分科会。午後1時30分から秋田県児童会館で、総括シンポジウム。

Saturday, September 04, 2010

Brief Reports : US trip and Japan

Brief Report:
The America Trip was divided into 3 parts*
1. Presentation on Hikikomori in Washington DC
1. the voices of the hikikomori to be heard!
2. the possibility in finding Christians researchers to work together in this area.
3. the possibility in meeting other potential hikikomori workers.
- no. 1 achieved.
- I learned much on my own presentaion and others too;
- I also realized it would be a long way to go before I could have more Christians academian to walk along in this topic.
- Prayers are needed in this area as Christians scientists come together, so that we can seek His heart of parts and roles that we play, to fit into the body of Christ.

Prayers for following trips after conference
4. raise hikikomori gatekeepers and watchers!
5. raise Heart4Japan supporters in giving, interceding and going!

2. Fellowships in Atlanta
Hosted by my ex-cell group leader who had moved to Atlanta;
- 3 group sharing occurred with two local Chinese churches;
- Many of them heard about the needs of missions in Japan for their very first time;
- A spiritual awakening for the need to forgive Japan of their invasions into China, and to understand that most Japanese were innocent;
- Reconciliation and healings may be needed in future visits,

3. Meeting Heart4Japan people in Pennsylvania
- there is a strong prejudice against the relationship of the specific social culture of Japanese with the phenomenon of hikikomori, mostly due to the media illustration;
- learned about Asperger and its similarities and differences to hikikomori;
- had a few discussions about hikikomori and Heart4Japan with different families who have some Japan/Japanese connection;
- share resources with another two future potential Heart4Japan missionaries, Matthew(US) and Jia(Korea);
- this missions served to encourage both of them, and preparing the hearts of friends involved to support them in future missions to Japan.

Back in Japan (now - Dec):
1. Study and Research began;
2. Cooperation with NPO (Non Profit Organization) in working with hikikomori;
3. Suicide Prevention Internship in Akita;
4. Learning and Performance of Japanese Traditional Dance in November;
5. Working on the possibility of Tokyo U Worship Circle