Why Japanese?

The Largest Unreached People Group (Joshua Project, 2005)

Only 0.04% Christians!

Annual Suicide Rate: >30,000

100-300 new religion registered each year (Operation World, 2000)

The battle is fierce, Time is SHORT! Please RESPONSE, Please PRAY!!!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Go, HUG Japan! ~ A Reminder from IFJ Camp

It shocked me as I hugged the map of Japan on Good Friday in IFJ (I Follow Jesus) Camp. The Lord whispered at my ears, "Go, hug the map of Japan......" as I was amazed how the Lord had led us to pray for a scene that happened right before my eyes where the youths, the Japanese people were standing around the map of Japan, identifying their location, praying for His Kingdom come.

I constant ask a question when I think about God's Kingdom, "Why then the Kingdom must come to Japan?" So then, the light would shine into Japan and chase away the darkness, and Japan will be release from its evil clutches, and people will be set free and be able to see the value and self-worth in them when God first created them, to come back to the reconciliation with God as their Father through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, to feel His love and to be filled with His love. And this means, the Japanese would no longer be confused about their identity, no longer be lost, no longer chasing after images that are far weaker than reality, and the power of His love is so strong that He can mend all the holes and wounds inside us. And this could be testified from my own personal journey with Him, and probably the same with many others who had met Jesus along their lives.

I tried to resist the idea to "hug the Japan map", which it literally meant that I would go to the front, lie face down on the map, and "HUG" Japan. Yet, I could not resist the call and the deep cry in me. I did as what I was asked. The minute I did it, I began to sob, I didn't know why I should cry as I was happy to see what we had been praying about for all these years had came true and sooner than I expected, yet I cried like a child. Then I knew I had fall in love with this nation unknowingly through prayers, and I had begun to pray and intercede and work for this nation with the drive of love that sprang from within me. And then I felt that the Lord wanted me to love Japan and hug this nation as my own child, and that brought me back to the memory of the child bearing pain that I suffered each time when I intercede for Japan early in the morning while I was with the Korean church in Hong Kong. As soon as I came to the understanding of Christ intention of me, I felt His hug, the hug of God that hugged me tightly while I was hugging Japan in me. I was totally embraced and immersed in His love on April 2, Good Friday. A sister came and hug me, it was a double hug, :-) a hug at the front from God, and a hug at the back from the sister, and Japan in our midst. I couldn't grasp what the others were saying or praying...... but I knew the Lord had touched them equally to love Japan, to intercede for this nation that they were born within. And that's enough for this moment.

It was truly an amazing moment, as we ended up placing our hands on the map of Japan, watching for the field, dedicating ourselves to the Lord for His service one more time for this land, and then it warmed my heart as Kai from Hokkaido asked the team to watch for Tohoku as well. It became a flow of prayers that flowed from the north to south, and the south to north. A true intercession was birth among these teenagers!

I follow Jesus, that was the reason why I had quit my job and took on the full-time volunteer position for Heart4Japan. A ministry that was so new, heading no where, yet I felt strongly it was time to give it a go. I remember that was how I described it as I shared in the church, "There is a train that stops before me, and I caught a glimpse that the driver is Jesus Christ. So I decided to step in, knowing that at other stops some will join me, and some may leave at the other stops, where most of the time I would probably be alone. But it is my desire to get into the train at that moment because I want to follow Him." So IFJ (I Follow Jesus) camp came right in time before I started my new journey in Japan after 4 years of preparation, to remind me once again my passion and reason for taking up this path. It was nonetheless "I Follow Jesus". God loves this nation, and so do I, because I love Him and decided to follow Him.

I used to admire how God had called my friend to Heart4Japan, as she would slain in the spirit, and then she would post a posture of crucification, then she would run to the big globe and then stood right in front of the map of Japan, and then gave it a hug...... and God clearly spoke to her, "See this is how I have crucified for you, and now you must take this gospel to Japan, you must do the same for the Japanese people." And I remember what God had said to me was, "Who should go for us?" that was a big sigh... and I responded quickly, "Here I am, send me." I used to think, probably God had not called me to Japan, but to sense His heartache and cry for Japan, so that I could respond and pick up things that were being neglected in the field and getting others attention on it so that we could pray together for His will in Japan. Maybe I wouldn't be in Japan, I don't need to if He had not called me to. Yet, as he opened doors and directed my steps, my simple desire to be with Him had brought me here. Now my friend's experience became mine, hugging Japan!

God had indeed called me to this nation! Receiving hugs from the youths, crying together and hugging each other, I realized that I was fully accepted. It was an amazing experience and I was deeply encouraged. Realizing this, I remember my friend and I cried again. If God could use me this way, how much more will He use my friend, Yean? I sincerely pray that she will come to Japan, and fulfill what God had installed for her here. Many more missionaries are out there, potential tentmakers are waiting for their turns to come into this land. I pray that Lord, send your workers in for the harvest is plenty! Raise the local workers! Increase the bond between each! I pray that the readiness in the field, the unity of the body of Christ will become ONE. Let us watch for each other, it is easy to slip and tumble here when we are alone.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Some thoughts after meeting Tokyo House Church Movement

After the experience with Kansai Be ONE network, I was exposed to another house church network in Tokyo, both were equally mentored by Mr. Mitsuo Fukuda, the house church movement leader in Japan.

A quick reference that I would love to make about this group is that: these are very genuine people, being in the field for many years, have various denominational background, had decided that it's time to move towards what God wants for Japan rather than what they themselves or the denominations want for Japan. It was an interesting meeting where many seemed simple straight forward issues (eg. Lord's supper, baptism, funeral, etc.) being discussed: the way of doing it, how to go about with it, and cautions on principles, exchange opinions of different cultural/doctrinal background. They meet up regularly (once a month) to encourage each other, share their work with each other, I guess in some sense, creating the accountability in what they are doing too. As Richard said, this is probably minority of the vast missionary field that we have in Japan, but it's a good start! ^^

When Heart4Japan began to pray for "Breaking down the walls of denominations, sharing resources on the table", we thought this would only happen in another 10 years time. Yet, the Lord again had favored on us, we have indeed soaring together with our prayers and intercessions on His wing, that in less than 5 years, people from different denominations started to get together, thinking seriously about what God wants for Japan rather than their want for Japan. I thank the Lord for this blessed hours with these missionaries, みんなすばらしかった!

What I would like to see more in this group, is probably the availability to pray together after bringing out issues that we face in the field. It is important to take time to pray together, and seek for His confirmation again for what He had stirred in us, so that the accountability is not only lie on reporting and gaining consent of each other for what we are doing, being reminded about our principles of what and why we are doing this, but also going back to the relationship with God, that is this ultimately what He wants, regardless of what we "biblically" believe. For this, time is needed to pray and seek God together in a quiet place. If we don't have this time, we are not much different of doing "what we want", except this time, we are listening to others who come from other denominations, which is in another word, "a council of wise men". The reason for change is really the fact that we see the failure in past was because we have not been seeking His heart for Japan. I know it is hard for missionaries to take out a few hours in a day to work on this, but I figure, and time/place are often a struggle to achieve this, but I think it is still worth for us to try to move to this. A place where we can hear Him, not only alone, but with the others! Feeling His heartbeat does not equal to understanding of what He has in His mind. When we seek for His heart together, our decisions can then be more concrete, and we will have the confirmation of peace that He install in each of us.

Well, I probably have spoken out of the perspective and experience of an intercessor for Heart4Japan usual practice, but what do you think?