Why Japanese?

The Largest Unreached People Group (Joshua Project, 2005)

Only 0.04% Christians!

Annual Suicide Rate: >30,000

100-300 new religion registered each year (Operation World, 2000)

The battle is fierce, Time is SHORT! Please RESPONSE, Please PRAY!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Count Down!!!

Another 90 days to go before I leave Hong Kong, and probably around 100 days to go before I head off to Japan. 

I need your prayers! 

Things to do before I leave Hong Kong: H4J people will get its vision, and continue to pray and be connect with resources!

Things to do before I head off to Japan: The CHURCH needs to get the vision! The CHURCH needs to come with me (I hope......)

H4J is about you and Jesus, on a response to His heart about Japan. 

Let's be certain about this, and get your root deep down in Him, Jesus, the one who give nourishment to all!