Why Japanese?

The Largest Unreached People Group (Joshua Project, 2005)

Only 0.04% Christians!

Annual Suicide Rate: >30,000

100-300 new religion registered each year (Operation World, 2000)

The battle is fierce, Time is SHORT! Please RESPONSE, Please PRAY!!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Some updates in July

The exam was over now, didn't really do well, but there were other assignments to cover up, hopefully I can make it.

Just submitted my second draft, hopefully will gain my supervisor's feedback soon! Keeping busy now... some friends came and some were going away, and I remain here.

Just now when I was on the bus, I had so many plans for Heart4Japan, including promoting Hikikomori and fund raising to set up a proper functional network to push further the Kingdom of God.

As I was back to my office in Baptist this afternoon, I recalled the conversation I had with the grassroot people recently, and the social workers that I'm in touch with, I began to realize that there were so many unjustice issues at the social level of the common people, and in the social welfare system of the elderly and poor people in Hong Kong which had long been swept under carpet. Yet, there were so many Christians/Catholics in the Hong Kong government, who had appeared on the stage of revival meetings and shouted for His Kingdom to be established in Hong Kong, almost once or twice each year.

The church that I attend now shared with me their burdens about Macau, hoping that I could pray in agreement with them, and perhaps hoping that if there would be a slight chance that I will take up the missionary position to Macau - another place that fills with spiritual darkness and evil doings!

There are so many things to do, so many things that is happening today tell us that we are just so far from heaven! His Kingdom is long to due! As I thought about all these, my heart ached and cried, why aren't His people doing anything? Sometimes all our fight were just so vague, and as we were building the wall of Jerusalem by adding souls into churches, we had forgotten the commission of Jesus to love our neighbors as ourselves! What is about the Kingdom that we are eagerly looking for? Is Kingdom a building? a gathering of 10,000 people at a revival meeting? number of souls added in church? or maybe just a simple story of Good Samaritan.... a manifestation of Heaven on earth. To care and love the poor and needy! Perhaps it's really time to examine our hearts and our deeds.

My heart burns for the needs of the poor and weak, the one who are being persecuted, the cry for Japan and Heart4Japan had not weakened. In this case, the vision is clear. But then, there are so many things to do, sooooooooooooooo many things to do in each country, each land, each nation!

My heart is in great pain! May His people rise up in His righteousness! Hear our cry, Lord! Forgive us, Father, for being ignorance and being partial! Help us to see you! Help us to seek your face! In Jesus name, Amen.

Re: Matthew 5: 3-10James 2:1- 4Luke 10: 30 - 36

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